
At the Prayerhouse, we believe, that God has called us to make a difference in our world. Each of us has a part to play, as we seek to build communities that love one another and bring the kingdom of God, into every area of life. Generously giving money, into God’s work, is one way we can tangibly demonstrate that, He is first in our lives.

One person's generosity is another person's miracle! We should never forget, that God is more interested in our heart, than in how much we give.

The Lord loves a cheerful giver! 2 Corinthians 9:7 


How you can invest in the work of the Prayerhouse


Weekly Offering

During our Sunday services, as part of our worship, there is an opportunity to give through the offering. Baskets will be passed around . This is best for cheques or cash. A card machine will also be available for card payments.

Standing Order

If you have internet banking it is very easy to set up a regular payment. Please email if you would like our banking information.


You can also give right here on our website, using the donate button on this page.


Gift Aid

Whichever method you use, if you are a UK tax payer don't forget to sign and complete the Gift Aid form. This entitles the Prayerhouse to claim the tax back that you have paid on your donation - that's currently equivalent to 25 pence in every pound, so your money will go even further!


You can email for a Gift Aid form, request to have a look at our annual accounts or for any other information.